Sunday, September 18, 2011

WOW - Beautiful Bride.....

I love what I do.  Seriously.  I hope that for each session it proves to be stress-free and not too terribly painful.  I know how it can be - believe me.  I shot my 8-year old for a portrait last week and by the end of it, I knew why people call me.

The term "portrait" has always made me cringe a little.  I think it makes me see a carpet-covered block with some elbows and a diagonally scribbled signature in the bottom right-hand corner....if you know what I mean.  This morning's bridal portrait was anything but cheesy.  Okay, maybe mom's smile (like how you make the mouth movements when you're feeding a baby....)  

The weather was beautiful, the cloud-cover was perfect.....and the bride was BREATHTAKING.  From her hair, to her dress to her big brown eyes.  I told her I would get something up in a couple of days.....but I couldn't wait to see them.  See for yourself.

Charleston Children Photographer
Charleston Wedding Photographer

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