Thursday, July 8, 2010

Little E on a Little Vacation

Cute cute cute family this morning out at the beach.  They are here on vacation from Dallas and we were hooked up by a mutual friend.  This little family could not have been any more fun, pleasant, happy, funny....sickening really.  Even when I was playing with E, I'd look over and there were mom and dad hugging or kissing like they were crazy about each other!?!  (Too cute)   E and I are best friends now....we were holding hands by the end of our play date and neither of us wanted it to end.

I'm not sure who was more photogenic....daughter, mom, dad or be the judge.

I'll let you know when the rest are done and going up.......enjoyed meeting you guys!


  1. WOW!!! You are right....They are beautifulll. Had a great time with you....."Boo"
