We all have them.....those horrible senior pictures where in, at least for mine, I put on a velvet v-neck dickie, cocked my head to the side and looked up at the corner as instructed. And, all I have from that photo shoot is a 3x5 print with the word "PROOF" stamped over it. Heinous. Or then there is the one with the bright pink rays behind me as I swung my legs over a chair arm sitting sideways for the "casual" shot.
Well, W's mom called because apparently, 20 years later - they're still making you put one knuckle under your chin and tilt ~*POP*~ ......your senior pictures. I met up with Connie and her son trying to catch some shots that weren't so cheesy. What I love about W is you can tell he still really enjoys his mom and isn't afraid to show it.
I was a little worried on how to get a laugh out of an 18-year old.....but apparently all you have to do is talk about an old co-worker that likes to trim her tree...in the buff. That'll break the ice. Oh, and I think that dog is smiling for me.
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